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Welcome to the 10-15 Feb (incl. Valentine) Page of (an Isan Flowers website)

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Can pay by Thai bank transfer

Want a Valentine Gift for a Friend/Partner in the Pattaya area?

- We are the Experts. Use Us !
- We are a Thai-Farang business.

Our Pattaya Shop reliably delivers beautiful Roses & high-quality Gifts

Our Roses are BIG ROSES (XL)


- PATTAYA (North, Central, South & some EAST)
- JOMTIEN (North & Central)
..... see Delivery Map  (for other areas, Contact Us)

This is our Product Page for delivery on 10-15 February
(ALL EVENTS, including Valentines Day)

(Our Flower product prices for delivery between 10-15 Feb (Valentines time of year) are temporarily higher than normal because of the big seasonal increase in prices from Thailand flower wholesalers). We expect to have all our normal products and normal Rose prices on our website again from 18 February)

Valentines Day clipart 5 small ST VALENTINE'S DAY is Friday, 14 February !!

  - Say "I LOVE YOU" with a delivery from Roses-To-Pattaya (Isan Flowers)
 - All our Roses are Fresh, Top-Quality, BIG ROSES. (and we can deliver anywhere in Pattaya!)

PLEASE NOTE: Our Minimum Order Size for deliveries on 13-15 February is 2,000 Baht (because we will not have capacity to do small orders for Valentines)

Big Roses - We only sell BIG (imported, luxury) Roses. These are much bigger, longer and more impressive than Thai Roses. If our competitors sell Roses at a cheaper price, they may be Thai (smaller) Roses
No Pink Roses - We cannot supply Pink Roses for Valentines this year.
No Delivery Photo, nor SMS Mobile Phone Delivery Confirmation Service - We regret we will not be able to provide these usual services between 12-15 February because will not have time - but we WILL take our usual great care of your Order.

Service Quality clipart 2 small for RTP for homepage GT

 - YOU CAN TRUST US - we are Isan Flowers, a real Florist and Flower Shop in Pattaya (see photo above), with British-Thai management and a great reputation for Quality, Service and Reliability. All the photos on this page are genuinely our actual products. We do our own deliveries.


12 Fresh red chinese roses with white filler in vase2 RTP

Big Red
(Luxury) Roses
with Filler
in Vase


9 Roses = 2,099 Baht (US$63)
12 Roses = 2,599 Baht

15 Roses = 3,149 Baht (US$95)
18 Roses = 3,675 Baht (US$111)

21 Roses = 4,149 Baht (US$125)
24 Roses = 4,599 Baht (US$139)

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11 Red and 10 White Chinese Roses with Filler in Vase RTP

Big Red & White
(Luxury) Roses
with Filler
in Vase


5 Red + 4 White = 2,099 Baht (US$63)
6 Red + 6 White = 2,599 Baht (US$78)

8 Red + 7 White = 3,149 Baht (US$95)
9 Red + 9 White = 3,675 Baht (US$111)

11 Red + 10 White = 4,149 Baht (US$125)
12 Red + 12 White = 4,599 Baht (US$139)

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12 big white roses in vase for RTP

Big White
(Luxury) Roses
with Filler
in Vase


9 Roses = 2,099 Baht (US$63)
12 Roses = 2599 Baht

15 Roses = 3,149 Baht (US$95)
18 Roses = 3,675 Baht (US$111)

21 Roses = 4,149 Baht (US$125)
24 Roses = 4,599 Baht (US$139)

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12 Big Red Roses Premium Wrap Tall Bouquet For RTP

Big Red
(Luxury) Roses
- Tall Bouquet

9 Roses = 2,249 Baht (US$68)
12 Roses = 2,799 Baht

15 Roses = 3,299 Baht (US$99)
18 Roses = 3,849 Baht (US$116)

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18 Fresh Red and White Chinese Roses Premium Wrap Tall Bouquet RTP


Big Red & White
(Luxury) Roses
- Tall Bouquet

5 Red + 4 White = 2,249 Baht (US$68)
6 Red + 6 White = 2,799 Baht (US$84)

8 Red + 7 White = 3,299 Baht (US$99)
9 Red + 9 White = 3,849 Baht (US$116)

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9 Big White Roses in Red Wrapping Tall Bouquet for RTP


Big White
(Luxury) Roses
- Tall Bouquet

9 Roses = 2,249 Baht (US$68)
12 Roses = 2,799 Baht

15 Roses = 3,299 Baht (US$99)
18 Roses = 3,849 Baht (US$116)

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24 Big Red Roses Round Bouquet C For RTP

Big Red
(Luxury) Roses
with Filler
- Round Bouquet (Valentine)

(stems cut shorter)

9 Roses = 2,249 Baht (US$68)
12 Roses = 2,799 Baht
15 Roses = 3,299 Baht (US$99)

18 Roses = 3,849 Baht (US$116)
21 Roses = 4,299 Baht (US$130)
24 Roses = 4,779 Baht (US$144)

31 Roses = 5,879 Baht (US$178)
35 Roses = 6,499 Baht (US$196)
51 Roses = 8,879 Baht (US$269)

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XX Red and White Chinese Roses Round Bouquet B 2 GT

Big Red & White
(Luxury) Roses
- Round Bouquet (Valentine)

(stems cut shorter)

5 Red + 4 White = 2,249 Baht (US$68)
6 Red + 6 White = 2,799 Baht (US$84)

8 Red + 7 White = 3,299 Baht (US$99)
9 Red + 9 White = 3,849 Baht (US$116)

11 Red + 10 White = 4,299 Baht (US$130)
12 Red + 12 White = 4,799 Baht (US$144)

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9 Fresh White Chinese Roses Tall Bouquet for RTP

Big White
(Luxury) Roses
- Tall Bouquet B (Valentine)

9 Roses = 2,249 Baht (US$68)
12 Roses = 2,799 Baht

15 Roses = 3,299 Baht (US$99)
18 Roses = 3,849 Baht (US$116)

21 Roses = 4,299 Baht (US$130)
24 Roses = 4,779 Baht (US$144)

Order button xsmall

9 fresh red chinese roses tall bouquet B for RTP GT

Big Red
(Luxury) Roses
- Tall Bouquet B

9 Roses = 2,249 Baht (US$68)
12 Roses = 2,799 Baht

15 Roses = 3,299 Baht (US$99)
18 Roses = 3,849 Baht (US$116)

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8 Big Red Roses in Pink Wrapping Tall Bouquet For RTP

Big Red
(Luxury) Roses
in Pink Wrapping
- Tall Bouquet

9 Roses = 2,249 Baht (US$68)
12 Roses = 2,799 Baht

15 Roses = 3,299 Baht (US$99)
18 Roses = 3,849 Baht (US$116)

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60 Big Red Roses with Greens Basket For RTP

51-101 Big Red
(Luxury) Roses
in Basket

51 Roses = 8,799 Baht (US$266)
75 Roses = 12,799 Baht (US$387)

99 Roses = 16,299 Baht (US$493)
101 Roses = 16,599 Baht (US$503)

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12 Fresh Big Red Roses Tied Stems Only for RTP

Big Red
(Luxury) Roses
- Tied Stems Only (Valentine)

15 Roses = 2,599 Baht (US$78)

21 Roses = 3,499 Baht (US$106)

25 Roses = 4,149 Baht (US$125)

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 Big Red and White Roses Tied Stems Only for RTP

Big Red & White
(Luxury) Roses
- Tied Stems Only (Valentine)

8 Red + 7 White = 2,599 Baht (US$68)

11 Red + 10 White = 3,499 Baht (US$106)

13 Red + 12 White = 4,149 Baht (US$125)

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 Big White Roses Tied Stems Only for RTP

Big White
(Luxury) Roses
- Tied Stems Only (Valentine)

15 Roses = 2,599 Baht (US$78)

21 Roses = 3,499 Baht (US$106)

25 Roses = 4,149 Baht (US$125)

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 Floating Balloon Red Heart for RTP

Red Heart
Floating Balloon
(18in/45cm wide)

(Floats for 5 Days or More)

420 Baht (US$12)
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 Love Card B For RTP

"I Love You"
Greeting Card

(printed, a5 size)

149 Baht (US$4)
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 Floating Foil Balloon Giant Red Heart XXL extra For RTP

Giant Red Heart
(XXL) Floating Balloon
(3ft/92cm wide)

(Floats for 5 Days or More)

999 Baht (US$30)
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Red Love You Heart Cushion B M For RTP

Red 'Love You' Heart Cushion (M)
(approx 58cm high)

549 Baht (US$18)
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