Big Red (Luxury) Roses - Tall Bouquet
9 Roses = 1399 Baht (US$42)
12 Roses = 1729 Baht (US$52)
15 Roses = 1999 Baht (US$60)
18 Roses = 2299 Baht (US$69)


Big Red & White (Luxury) Roses - Tall Bouquet
5 Red + 4 White = 1399 Baht (US$42)
6 Red + 6 White = 1729 Baht (US$52)
8 Red + 7 White = 1999 Baht (US$60)
9 Red + 9 White = 2299 Baht (US$69)

Big White (Luxury) Roses in Red Wrapping - Tall Bouquet
9 Roses = 1399 Baht (US$42)
12 Roses = 1729 Baht (US$52)
15 Roses = 1999 Baht (US$60)
18 Roses = 2299 Baht (US$69)


Big Pink (Luxury) Roses - Tall Bouquet
9 Roses = 1399 Baht (US$42)
12 Roses = 1729 Baht (US$52)
15 Roses = 1999 Baht (US$60)
18 Roses = 2299 Baht (US$69)


Big Pink & White (Luxury) Roses - Tall Bouquet
5 Pink + 4 White = 1399 Baht (US$42)
6 Pink + 6 White = 1729 Baht (US$52)
8 Pink + 7 White = 1999 Baht (US$60)
9 Pink + 9 White = 2299 Baht (US$69)


Big White (Luxury) Roses - Tall Bouquet
9 Roses = 1399 Baht (US$42)
12 Roses = 1729 Baht (US$52)
15 Roses = 1999 Baht (US$60)
18 Roses = 2299 Baht (US$69)


Big Red (Luxury) Roses - Dark Coat Tall Bouquet
9 Roses = 1399 Baht (US$42)
12 Roses = 1729 Baht (US$52)
15 Roses = 1999 Baht (US$60)
18 Roses = 2299 Baht (US$69)


Big Red & White (Luxury) Roses - Dark Coat Slope Bouquet
5 Red + 4 White = 1399 Baht (US$42)
6 Red + 6 White = 1729 Baht (US$52)
8 Red + 7 White = 1999 Baht (US$60)
9 Red + 9 White = 2299 Baht (US$69)


Big Red (Luxury) Roses - Round Bouquet
(stems cut very short) 9 Roses = 1399 Baht (US$42) 12 Roses = 1729 Baht (US$52) 15 Roses = 1999 Baht (US$60)
(stems NOT cut very short) 18 Roses = 2299 Baht (US$69) 21 Roses = 2599 Baht (US$78) 24 Roses = 2899 Baht (US$87)


Big Pink (Luxury) Roses - Round Bouquet
(stems cut very short) 9 Roses = 1399 Baht (US$42) 12 Roses = 1729 Baht (US$52) 15 Roses = 1999 Baht (US$60)
(stems NOT cut very short) 18 Roses = 2299 Baht (US$69) 21 Roses = 2599 Baht (US$78) 24 Roses = 2899 Baht (US$87)


Big White (Luxury) Roses - Round Bouquet
(stems cut very short) 9 Roses = 1399 Baht (US$42) 12 Roses = 1729 Baht (US$52) 15 Roses = 1999 Baht (US$60)
(stems NOT cut very short) 18 Roses = 2299 Baht (US$69) 21 Roses = 2599 Baht (US$78) 24 Roses = 2899 Baht (US$87)


Big Red & White (Luxury) Roses - Round Bouquet
5 Red + 4 White = 1399 Baht (US$42) 6 Red + 6 White = 1729 Baht (US$52)
8 Red + 7 White = 1999 Baht (US$60) 9 Red + 9 White = 2299 Baht (US$69)
11 Red + 10 White = 2599 Baht (US$78) 12 Red + 12 White = 2899 Baht (US$87)


Big Pink & White (Luxury) Roses - Round Bouquet
5 Pink + 4 White = 1399 Baht (US$42) 6 Pink + 6 White = 1729 Baht (US$52)
8 Pink + 7 White = 1999 Baht (US$60) 9 Pink + 9 White = 2299 Baht (US$69)
11 Pink + 10 White = 2599 Baht (US$78) 12 Pink + 12 White = 2899 Baht (US$87)


Big Red (Luxury) Roses with White Filler in Vase
9 Roses = 1399 Baht (US$42) 12 Roses = 1729 Baht (US$52)
15 Roses = 1999 Baht (US$60) 18 Roses = 2299 Baht (US$69)
21 Roses = 2599 Baht (US$78) 24 Roses = 2899 Baht (US$87) 35 Roses = 3889 Baht (US$117)
Big Pink (Luxury) Roses with Filler in Vase
9 Roses = 1399 Baht (US$42) 12 Roses = 1729 Baht (US$52)
15 Roses = 1999 Baht (US$60) 18 Roses = 2299 Baht (US$69)
21 Roses = 2599 Baht (US$78) 24 Roses = 2899 Baht (US$87) 35 Roses = 3889 Baht (US$117)


Big White (Luxury) Roses with Filler in Vase
9 Roses = 1399 Baht (US$42) 12 Roses = 1729 Baht (US$52)
15 Roses = 1999 Baht (US$60) 18 Roses = 2299 Baht (US$69)
21 Roses = 2599 Baht (US$78) 24 Roses = 2899 Baht (US$87) 35 Roses = 3889 Baht (US$117)


Big Red & White (Luxury) Roses with Filler in Vase
5 Red + 4 White = 1399 Baht (US$42) 6 Red + 6 White = 1729 Baht (US$52)
8 Red + 7 White = 1999 Baht (US$60) 9 Red + 9 White = 2299 Baht (US$69)
11 Red + 10 White = 2599 Baht (US$78) 12 Red + 12 White = 2899 Baht (US$87) 18 Red + 17 White = 3889 Baht (US$117)


51 or 75 Big Red (Luxury) Roses with White Filler - Round Bouquet
51 Roses = 5449 Baht (US$165)
75 Roses = 7775 Baht (US$235)

51-101 Big Red (Luxury) Roses in Basket
51 Roses = 5449 Baht (US$165)
75 Roses = 7775 Baht (US$235)
99 Roses = 9875 Baht (US$299)
101 Roses = 9875 Baht (US$299)


Big Red (Luxury) Roses - Tied Stems Only
11 Roses = 1129 Baht (US$34) 15 Roses = 1475 Baht (US$44)


Big Pink (Luxury) Roses - Tied Stems Only
11 Roses = 1129 Baht (US$34) 15 Roses = 1475 Baht (US$44)


Big White (Luxury) Roses - Tied Stems Only
11 Roses = 1129 Baht (US$34) 15 Roses = 1475 Baht (US$44)

Add-On Big (Luxury) Rose(s) - Red
Each Rose = 125 Baht (US$4)
(Choose how many extra Roses you want us to add to the "main" Flower product you order)
Add-On Big (Luxury) Rose(s) - Pink
Each Rose = 125 Baht (US$4)
(Choose how many extra Roses you want us to add to the "main" Flower product you order)


Add-On Big (Luxury) Rose(s) - White
Each Rose = 125 Baht (US$4)
(Choose how many extra Roses you want us to add to the "main" Flower product you order)


Lilies & 9 Luxury Roses - Round Bouquet (stems cut very short)
White Lilies, Red Roses = 2079 Baht (US$63) White Lilies, Pink Roses = 2079 Baht (US$63)


Red Bouquet of Ferrero Chocolates
9 Ferrero = 715 Baht (US$21) 11 Ferrero = 769 Baht (US$23)
12 Ferrero = 825 Baht (US$25)

Chocolate Gift Basket with Lily and Soft Toy
(includes 14+ chocolate items)
(basket style & Contents MAY VARY)
1759 Baht (US$53)


Bear in T-Shirt Soft Toy (M) (approx 40cm high)
(COLOUR of t-shirt MAY VARY)

Dog Soft Toy (M) (approx 53cm high)

Red 'Love You' Heart Cushion (M) (approx 23in/58cm high)
549 Baht (US$18)


Happy Birthday Floating Balloon (18in/45cm wide)
(Floats for 5 Days or More)
475 Baht (US$14)

Red Heart Floating Balloon (18in/45cm wide)
(Floats for 5 Days or More)
420 Baht (US$12)

Giant Red Heart (XXL) Floating Balloon (3ft/92cm wide)
(Floats for 5 Days or More)
999 Baht (US$30)

Custom Greeting Card
(Printed, A5 Size)
(Email us a Photo or Picture to print on the front of the Card)
149 Baht (US$4)


"Love" Greeting Card
(Printed, A5 Size)
149 Baht (US$4)


Happy Birthday Card
(Printed, A5 Size)
149 Baht (US$4)

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